Thursday, September 20, 2007


Me and Kahia being friends. Me and Ashley are being friends and having
a good day. Were not even fighting. Me and
Ashley are playing cards and I told Ashley that it
was OK to peek. So she had her pile and I had my
own pile. The cards were fun when Kahia and
me were peeking under the pile.

We're painting a picture for our moms. I am painting yellow and blue. When I get paint on my hands I can wash it. I love to paint and do projects and be with all my friends and I like to play with them.

Me and Greta were making soup for our Kitten. We
are putting the spices in the bowl and we put it into
the oven and we take it out and feed it to our kitten
and then we cook some more and feed it to our selves.

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