Olivia was having some quiet time while eating her lollipop....
Anna is building a little city under the climber....
This is a project we did...I set out popsicle sticks and glue and they created...then after they dried they watercolored their creations. Love your shirt Connor :)
This is Korina, She is our new teacher. She is great and the kids already love her!
Water, water, water.....These guys are working hard to get the water to the top of the slide....
down it goes...
water at the bottom....
Good cooperation happing here....
I set out two trays: one yellow, one blue. I place forks, sponges, circle cookie cutters, and qtips next to the trays.
Kelly wanted to paint her whole sheet while Jackson made prints....
I added some small planting pots to the rice. Quincy just found out they have holes in the bottom....coooooool....
Color mixing at the light table....
I love this picture of Olivia....She has been riding around on her bike carrying water in a bucket. She would water plants and ride back to the pool, fill her bucket up, put it back on the bike and ride to the next watering spot. She stopped here at the tree....thought for a bit....and....
started painting the tree. :)
Then she went to sweep....
and apparently sand is a great cleaning agent....
These cute kids are watching Drew clean the pool...very intriguing....